L_{V G G / i, j}=\frac{1}{W_{i, j} H_{i, j} C_{i, j}} \sum_{x=1}^{W_{i, j}} \sum_{z=1}^{C_{i, j}}\left\|\phi_{i, j}(E)_{x, y, z}-\phi_{i, j}(G)_{x, y, z}\right\|
region loss 区域损失:上面两个损失函数都是基于全图的。然而在图像增强任务中,需要对低光照区域提供更多的注意力。因此作者提出这个损失函数来平衡低光照区域和其他区域的损失。作者筛选暗区域的策略是 发现选取一副图中前40%暗的像素作为暗区域最能代表实际的暗区域。这里可以寻找更恰当的选取暗区域的方法 式子中,EL GL中的L代表输入图像的暗区域,H代表亮区域 E,G代表输出图像和groundtruth WL=4 WH=1 \[
L_{R e g i o n}=w_{L} \cdot \frac{1}{m_{L} n_{L}} \sum_{i=1}^{n_{L}} \sum_{j=1}^{m_{L}}\left(\left\|E_{L}(i, j)-G_{L}(i, j)\right\|\right)+w_{H} \cdot \frac{1}{m_{H} n_{H}} \sum_{i=1}^{n_{H}} \sum_{j=1}^{m_{H}}\left(\left\|E_{H}(i, j)-G_{H}(i, j)\right\|\right)
Such a method first inverts an input low-light image, and then employs an image dehazing algorithm on the inverted image, finally achieves the enhanced image by inverting the dehazed image.
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Following previous method [11], we adjust the estimated illumination map by Gamma correction in order to thoroughly unveil dark regions in the results, which can be expressed as
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5.在3的基础上提出了引入了an extra term to host noise
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Deep Learning Approaches
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